DCSEM Recruitment 2022 Application Form(Technician, Officer, Assistant). The Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DCSEM) in Mumbai is accepting applications for the roles of Technical Officer, Scientific Assistant, and Technician in a variety of fields. The deadline to submit an application is April 29, 2022.

DCSEM Recruitment 2022 Application Form(Technician, Officer, Assistant)
Name of the Post | Total Vacancies |
Technician B | 20 |
Technical Officer B | 10 |
Scientific Assistant C | 03 |
- Age Limit :
- Technical Officer / C: 38 years for OBC, 40 years for SC
- Scientific Assistant / B: 30 years for General, 35 years for ST
- Technician B: 25 years for General, 30 years for ST, 28 years for OBC
- Pay Scale :
- Technical Officer / C: Pay Matrix Level 10, Entry Pay ₹ 56100/-
- Scientific Assistant / B: Level 06, Entry Pay ₹ 35400/-
- Technician B: Level 04, Entry Pay ₹ 21700/-
- Educational Qualifications:
- Technical Officer / C: B.E. / B.Tech engineering graduate in Civil / Mechanical discipline.
- Scientific Assistant / B: Diploma in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical discipline.
- Technician B: ITI in Plumbing / Carpentry / Masonry / Fitter / Electrical / Air Conditioning discipline.
- Selection Process:
- Stage-1 – Preliminary Test
- Stage-2 – Advanced Test
- Stage-3 – Trade/ Skill Test
- Application Fee:
- Technical Officer / C: 500/-
- Scientific Assistant / B: 300/-
- Technician B: 250/-
- No fee for SC, ST, PWD, Ex-Servicemen & Female candidates.
- A non-refundable application fee is payable by candidates applying for the posts, by demand draft in favour of “Pay and Accounts Officer, DCSEM”, payable at Mumbai.
- How to Apply
- The application must be printed on good quality white A-4 size plain paper and must follow the recommended format. Candidates should make sure that their applications are legible, and that they are typed in English or Hindi only. Only the application must be sent at this time. It is not necessary to send copies of certifications. “Application for the post of Post Code. against Advertisement No.DCSEM/01/2022._
Notification & Application Form
- About :
- The Directorate of Building, Services and Estate Management (DCSEM), a constituent element of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), is in charge of providing infrastructure assistance and executing construction projects for DAE’s numerous units, including its Aided Institutions.
- Archived Jobs:
For the positions of Scientific Assistant, Technician, Assistant Security Officer, Upper Division Clerk, and Driver, the Directorate of Construction, Services, and Estate Management (DCSEM) in Mumbai is accepting online applications from young, active, and devoted people. The deadline to submit applications is June 4th, 2018.
Post No | Name of Post | No of Vacancies |
1 | Scientific Assistant/B (Civil) | 03 |
2 | Scientific Assistant/B (Electrical) | 02 |
3 | Scientific Assistant/B (Mechanical) | 02 |
4 | Scientific Assistant/B (Information Technology / Computer Science) | 02 |
5 | Technician /B (Plumbing) | 03 |
6 | Technician /B (Carpentry) | 03 |
7 | Technician /B (Electrical) | 05 |
8 | Technician/B (Computer Operator and Programming Assistant) | 01 |
9 | Technician/B (Information and Communication Technology System Maintenance) | 01 |
10 | Technician/B (Draughtsman – Civil) | 01 |
11 | Assistant Security Officer/ A | 05 |
12 | Upper Division Clerk (UDC) | 06 |
13 | Driver (Ordinary Grade) | 02 |
- Age Limit and Pay Scale:
Name of the Post | Pay Level | Entry Pay | Minimum Age | Maximum Age (UR) | Max Age (SC) | Max Age (ST) | Max Age (OBC) |
Scientific Assistant / B | Level 6 | 35400/ | 18 years | 30 years | 35 years | NA | 33 years |
Technician / B | Level 3 | 21700/- | 18 years | 25 years | NA | NA | 28 years |
Assistant Security Officer / A | Level 6 | 35400/ | 18 years | 27 years | NA | NA | NA |
Upper Division Clerk | Level 4 | 25500/ | 18 years | 27 years | NA | NA | 30 years |
Driver (Ordinary Grade) | Level 2 | 19900/ | 18 years | 27 years | NA | NA | NA |
- Education Qualifications:
Scientific Assistant | Diploma in concerned Engineering Discipline with a minimum 60% marks. |
Technician | Minimum 60% Marks in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths and National Trade Certificate issued after ITI course of not less than 01 year duration in the concerned trade. |
Assistant Security Officer | Any Graduate / Bachelor’s Degree. |
UDC | Degree of a recognized Univeristy or equivalent with an aggregate of 50% marks. |
Driver | Minimum 10th Class / Matric passed with Light and Heavy Vehicle driving license. |
- Selection Process:
- Personal Interview only for – Scientific Assistant.
- Screening Test, Skill Test and Trade Test for Technician.
- Physical Test and Written Test for Assistant Security Officer
- Objective Test and Descripting Written Test (English Language and Comprehension) for UDC.
- Written Test and Driving Test for Driver.
- Application Fee:
Post Name | Fee |
Scientific Assistant / B | 150/- |
Technician / B | 100/- |
Assistant Security Officer/A | 150/- |
Upper Division Clerk | 100/- |
Driver (Ordinary Grade) | 100/- |
- How to Apply :
Detailed Advertisement : Apply Online :
The Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DCSEM) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) of the Government of India invites applications from young, active, and devoted applicants for the positions of Scientific Assistant / B and Technician / B in several disciplines. The deadline to submit applications is September 21, 2015.
Scientific Assistant Posts:
1 | Scientific Assistant/B (Horticulture) | 01 | B.Sc. in Horticulture from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks |
2 | Scientific Assistant/B ( Mechanical) | 01 | Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized institution with a minimum of 60% marks (3 years after S.S.C.) |
3 | Scientific Assistant/B (Civil) | 09 | Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized institution with a minimum of 60% marks ( 3 years after S.S.C.) |
- Technician Posts:
4 | Technician/B ( Electrical) | 10 | Min. 60% marks in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths as subjects plus Trade certificate of not less than one year duration recognized by the Competent Authority in the Trade of Electrical. |
5 | Technician/B (Plumbing) | 05 | Min. 60% marks in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths as subjects plus Trade certificate of not less than one year duration recognized by the Competent Authority in the Trade of Plumbing. |
6 | Technician/B (Masonry) | 15 | Min. 60% marks in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths as subjects plus Trade certificate of not less than one year duration recognized by the Competent Authority in the Trade of Masonry. |
7 | Technician/B (Carpentry) | 05 | Min. 60% marks in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths as subjects plus Trade certificate of not less than one year duration recognized by the Competent Authority in the Trade of Carpentry. |
- Age Limit : Scientific Assistant/B – 18 to 30 Years; Technician/B – 18 to 25 Years
- Pay Scale : Scientific Assistant/B – ₹ 9300 – 34800 plus Grade Pay ₹ 4200; Technician/B – ₹ 5200 – 20200 plus Grade Pay ₹ 2000.
- Selection Process : Trade Test and Personal Interview.
- How to Apply : The application should be typewritten on thick foolscap paper and submitted in the appropriate proforma (Size : 34 cms. X 22 cms.). “Application for the post of Post Code_______ against Advertisement No.DCSEM/01/2015″ shall be superscribed on the application and the outside envelope. DIRECTORATE OF CONSTRUCTION, SERVICES & ESTATE MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY, VIKRAM SARABHAI BHAVAN, 2ND FLOOR, NORTH WING, ANUSHAKTINAGAR, MUMBAI-400 094. The deadline for applications is September 21, 2015.
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